Five reasons we’ve been able to work together and stay married … so far.
When we were just starting out, we knew there were two things that set us apart from other marketing and communication firms: 1) we offered more experience and a wider range of services than most people expected from just two individuals and 2) we’re married.
Deep down, we always knew that the first point was something that would resonate with potential clients, but that second bit? To be honest, we didn’t think anybody would really care.
Boy, were we wrong.
Nearly one year in, the fact that we’re married (and have known each other since the seventh grade) has somehow become a major component of our brand. Whether people find us a little more approachable and can relate to us on a personal level or they just like the fact that Carrie can make fun of me for wearing a turtleneck in my high school yearbook picture in the middle of a meeting, our relationship status seems to be a selling point among the people we work with.
More than anything, I think our professional/personal relationship makes us a bit of a curiosity. People just seem to really want to know how we’ve been able to work together, live together, raise two kids together and somehow not get a divorce or kill each other in the process.
And so do we.
Recently we sat down together and came up with the following five reasons for our success so far.
1. We each bring something unique to the table
The fact that we each have different areas of expertise (with a little overlap) means there isn’t any competition between the two of us. We epitomize teamwork with each of us realizing that we are truly stronger together than we are on our own.
2. We respect each other
We know each other’s background and personal strengths to such a high degree that we are able to trust one another in ways common coworkers can’t.
3. We’re flexible
That cliché about “wearing a lot of hats” is actually kind of appropriate for us. Given our somewhat diverse individual skillsets, we’re frequently able to pitch in and help one another stay afloat both professionally and personally. Need someone to edit that news release? No problem. Need someone to pick the kid up at preschool so you can take that call? I’ve got you covered.
4. We give each other space 
This is a big one. Yes, we work together, but no, we don’t share an office. If we were forced to spend 24 hours a day, side by side, we would probably be next in line at divorce court. While serving to keep both of us sane (Carrie is an unbelievably loud typist) having separate offices gives us the space we both need to do what we do and work how we like to work.
5. We know when to clock out
We’re probably not as good at this as we should be, but anyone who has ever worked for themselves knows that your hours are rarely eight to five. Add to that the fact that we live together and it’s common to find ourselves talking about a project after the kids have left the dinner table or while we’re brushing our teeth. However, we always make a point to remind each other to turn it off and just be a family—after all, that’s the whole reason why we got into this in the first place.
That’s all we’ve got.
It may not work for everybody, but it’s working for us and it’s allowing us to live the life we want as a family while doing some great work for some really nice people along the way.
Want to learn more about us and see our interpersonal dynamics up close and personal? Feel free to contact us any time.