Five marketing books to read (or re-read) in 2018
Whether it’s making it to that 6 a.m. Zumba class or cutting themselves off after the first glass of wine, people all over the world recently made New Year’s resolutions they hope will result in a new and improved version of themselves in 2018.
While we’ve never been real big on making resolutions, this year we decided to sit down around the kitchen table with our two young boys to put into writing our hopes and dreams for ourselves in the coming year. While the boys’ lists ranged from “learn to tie my own shoes” to “learn a new sport,” we were surprised to find that at the top of each of our lists was to “make more time to read.”
Figuring that if the two of us came up with the exact same resolution, chances are good that some of you did as well. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite marketing books to help you on your way.
Got a suggestion for us (either marketing-related or otherwise)? Please share it in the comments section, we’d love to hear from you.
“The New Rules of Marketing and PR,” David Meerman Scott
We’re ignoring that whole “save the best for last” thing and are just going to start this list off with what we consider to be the Bible of modern marketing books. Now in its sixth edition, “The New Rules of Marketing and PR,” changed the way we looked at marketing when we first read it almost 10 years ago and it’s a book we go back to anytime we need a refresher. If you’re an old-school marketer still investing in traditional, interruption-based tactics, read this book. If you’re new to the industry and looking to become a better, more strategic marketer, read this book. If you’ve read it and are already a disciple of its teachings, read it again.
“Primal Branding,” Patrick Hanlon
We’ve referred to this book time and time again, but it is so good, it deserves to be mentioned one more time. What makes “Primal Branding” so incredible is that it looks at some of the most powerful, long-lasting and successful brands of all time and dissects them to uncover what they have in common. The conclusion? Brands are—at their core—belief systems and our willingness to become dedicated brand advocates is just reflection of our primal needs as human beings.
Sounds heavy, but it’s actually a pretty fun read.
“They Ask You Answer,” Marcus Sheridan
The most recent release on our list, “They Ask, You Answer,” is another must-read for any modern marketer. A 217-page, case study/instruction manual into the power of content marketing, “They Ask, You Answer” puts into writing a common sense approach to giving your customers (and potential customers) the information they are looking for and, in the process, delivering them right to your digital front door.
“Buzzmarketing,” Mark Hughes
The premise behind this book can probably be bust summed up by the P.T. Barnum quote “Nothing attracts a crowd, like a crowd.” “Buzzmarketing” explores the out-of-the-box thinking and creative approaches that capture the attention of consumers and the media alike while making your brand entertaining, fascinating and newsworthy. From changing a town’s name to reflect your brand to throwing electronics in a blender, “Buzzmarketing” is about out-thinking, not out-spending. If you liked Jay Conrad Levingson’s “Guerrilla Marketing,” you’ll love this book.
“Nuts!: Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success,” Kevin and Jackie Freiberg
When Southwest Airlines entered the market in 1967, air travel as we knew it changed forever. Planes were painted like killer whales, employees were hired for their sense of humor and 60 million bags of peanuts where handed out annually to a base of loyal air travelers. To write “Nuts!”, Kevin and Jackie Frieberg were given unlimited access to the people and thought processes behind one of the greatest success stories in both commercial aviation and the world of marketing resulting in a fascinating read with lessons applicable to virtually any industry.
So, there you have it, five books to add to your 2018 reading list. Have a comment or want to share a book with us? Don’t forget to leave it in the comments section!