Five marketing exercises you can do during the pandemic
Unless you’re an essential worker (and if you are, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks), the COVID-19 pandemic probably has you stuck at home as you continue to shelter in place. As the days have become weeks and the weeks have become months, your inability to work while you simultaneously sit back and watch… Read More
What makes Apple’s “Think Different” the GOAT of advertising campaigns
The GOAT. Lately, it seems you can’t walk by a water cooler, scan the local radio dial or scroll through YouTube without hearing a passionate debate over which athlete should be given the title as the greatest of all time. Lebron or Michael? Brady or Montana? Ruth or Mays? No matter what the sport, it’s… Read More
New Year’s resolutions for the marketer in all of us
Whether you’re promoting your own business, selling a product or service or are just out there selling yourself to the world, you’re a marketer. Like all other facets of your day-to-day life, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to assess your marketing habits and identify potential areas for improvement. The following… Read More
Advertising agency, boutique marketing firm or freelancer, which one is right for you?
Whether you’re looking for a new logo, a mass-media campaign or a strategic plan, there is no shortage of options when it comes to finding someone to help you with your marketing. The problem is knowing exactly which one is right for you. Over the course of our careers, we’ve had the opportunity to gain… Read More
How much does a (marketing plan, news release, logo, brochure …) cost?
In our last post, we laid out our case for project-based billing and why we felt that (at least most of the time) charging a flat hourly rate didn’t work in your best interest—or ours. Hopefully that post was able to answer at least some of the potential questions you might have about working with us,… Read More
Why we don’t bill by the hour
Anyone who has worked with me for any amount of time has probably heard me say “people don’t want three-quarter-inch drill bits, they want three-quarter-inch holes.” It’s a personal mantra that I can’t actually take personal credit for (I read it somewhere years ago and it was seared into my brain). I love it and… Read More
Five marketing books to read (or re-read) in 2018
Whether it’s making it to that 6 a.m. Zumba class or cutting themselves off after the first glass of wine, people all over the world recently made New Year’s resolutions they hope will result in a new and improved version of themselves in 2018. While we’ve never been real big on making resolutions, this year… Read More
Spreading the gift of inbound marketing
Around this time of the year, simply mentioning that you work in marketing (or worse yet, advertising) just might find you on the wrong end of a swift punch to the face. After all, for months now, advertisers all across the country have been assaulting consumers with a barrage of glossy newspaper inserts, unwanted catalogs… Read More