How to … name a business, product or service
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – Juliet Capulet, “Romeo and Juliet” (II, ii, 1-2) Juliet, Juliet, Juliet … poor, naive Juliet. As much as she may have truly believed that names didn’t really matter, in the end, it was a name (two… Read More
Advertising agency, boutique marketing firm or freelancer, which one is right for you?
Whether you’re looking for a new logo, a mass-media campaign or a strategic plan, there is no shortage of options when it comes to finding someone to help you with your marketing. The problem is knowing exactly which one is right for you. Over the course of our careers, we’ve had the opportunity to gain… Read More
How much does a (marketing plan, news release, logo, brochure …) cost?
In our last post, we laid out our case for project-based billing and why we felt that (at least most of the time) charging a flat hourly rate didn’t work in your best interest—or ours. Hopefully that post was able to answer at least some of the potential questions you might have about working with us,… Read More