
Old-time cash register

How much does a (marketing plan, news release, logo, brochure …) cost?

In our last post, we laid out our case for project-based billing and why we felt that (at least most of the time) charging a flat hourly rate didn’t work in your best interest—or ours. Hopefully that post was able to answer at least some of the potential questions you might have about working with us,… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On February 27, 2018  |   0 Comments
advertising, budget, commercial, communication audit, cost, fees, marketing, Marketing plan, news release, public relations, radio, SWOT, TV
Open book with glasses

Five marketing books to read (or re-read) in 2018

Whether it’s making it to that 6 a.m. Zumba class or cutting themselves off after the first glass of wine, people all over the world recently made New Year’s resolutions they hope will result in a new and improved version of themselves in 2018. While we’ve never been real big on making resolutions, this year… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On January 9, 2018  |   0 Comments
books, branding, buzzmarketing, inbound, marketing, new year's, public relations, reading, resolutions

Wu and I: How a mascot became my marketing muse

Hanging in a corner of our basement is a small wooden plaque with an even smaller piece of blonde, highly varnished wood glued to its face. The wood, an original section of Henry Levitt Arena’s hardwood floor (home to Wichita State University basketball from 1954 to 2003) is topped off by a brushed, bronze-ish plate… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On October 17, 2017  |   2 Comments
athletic marketing, athletics, Facebook, goshockers, guerrilla marketing, marketing, mascot, non-traditional marketing, Shockers, social media, Twitter, wheat, wichita, Wichita State University, Wu, WuShock

Rebuilding a brand—one flag at a time

The world we live in is based on results. For every action, there is almost always an expectation of some sort of a return on investment. Oftentimes, success or failure is determined in a matter of weeks, days or even minutes. That’s what makes branding so frustrating. Building a good one, solid enough to grow… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On September 11, 2017  |   0 Comments
branding, bravely onward, fidelity bank, flag, greater wichita partnership, marketing, patrick hanlon, Primal Branding, rebranding, strategy, the chung report, the wichita eagle, visit wichita, wichita, wichita regional chamber of commerce
Customer Service

Pickles, pantsuits and puke: the power of customer service

As marketers, we’re always on the lookout for that one special thing that separates a client’s product or service from that of its competition. We throw around terms like “unique selling proposition” and “point of differentiation,” but whatever you call it, the more competitors that enter the marketplace, the harder and harder it is to… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On August 31, 2017  |   0 Comments
Bob Farrell, Checca Lodge & Spa, customer, customer service, differentiation, marketing, Nordstrom, unique selling proposition, usp

The King is dead, long live the King

It started last night. Single file, tens of thousands of mourners—some from halfway around the world—have solemnly passed through an iconic set of iron, music-note-embellished gates to light a candle and pay their respects to a man who died exactly 40 years ago today. The mass vigil is the cornerstone of an annual, week-long event… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On August 16, 2017  |   0 Comments
branding, Elvis, Elvis Presley, Graceland, Image, marketing, Primal Branding
Strategies vs. tactics

Strategies vs. tactics: The battle to not look stupid

In the first installment of our two-part post aimed at clarifying some of the confusion surrounding the common components of a marketing plan, (Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Tactics—GOST) we took an in-depth look at goals and objectives. In this post, we move deeper into the plan to define the more specific/actionable areas of strategies and… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On August 7, 2017  |   0 Comments
audience, communication, consultant, definition, goals, GOST, marketing, Marketing plan, objectives, strategy, tactics
Goals vs. Objectives

Goal or objective? Do you know the difference?

It never fails. Virtually every time we sit down with a client—or even other marketers—to discuss the components of an upcoming marketing plan, there is some level of confusion as to what’s what. Even we get confused sometimes. But as easy as it is to say, “it doesn’t really matter” or “they’re all interchangeable,” the… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On July 24, 2017  |   0 Comments
communication, consultant, definition, goals, GOST, Marketing plan, objectives, public relations, strategies, strategy, tactics
Positioning Statement

Positioning statements made easy

I’m willing to bet that your company has a mission and a vision statement. You probably even have a list of core values or organizational goals. In fact, chances are pretty good that all of these statements are framed and hanging on a wall somewhere for all of the world to see. That’s great. But… Read More
By Craig Lindeman  |   On July 6, 2017  |   0 Comments
audience, benefit, business category, differentiating factor, marketing, positioning, positioning statement, target audience, usp