“New” Pizza Hut logo rekindles old feelings
If you grew up in Wichita like we did, chances are Pizza Hut holds a special place in your heart. Originating here in 1958, Pizza Hut is more than just a global fast food goliath to us, it’s a part of our heritage and one of the first things any card-carrying Wichitan mentions to any… Read More
Brief thoughts on the importance of creative briefs
A couple of weeks ago, Carrie and I had the privilege of speaking to a communication class at our alma mater, Wichita State University. Normally, when we have given these presentations like this, they have basically just been a little dog and pony show where we have talked about what we do, showed a few… Read More
Disneyland through the eyes of a marketer
It’s a place of awe and wonder. A place where make believe brings fantasies to life. A place where everything is just as it should be. It’s the “happiest place on earth” and I had avoided it my entire life … until last week. When a family vacation just happened to kick off in LA,… Read More
Branding lessons from a McDonald’s bathroom
The golden arches. For nearly 60 years they’ve dotted our landscape, calling out to the world’s most hungry, budget-conscious carnivores. But go on a road trip and the site of those exact same arches looming on the horizon can represent the fulfillment of another—much more urgent—primal need (one where a #1 and a #2 don’t… Read More
How to … name a business, product or service
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – Juliet Capulet, “Romeo and Juliet” (II, ii, 1-2) Juliet, Juliet, Juliet … poor, naive Juliet. As much as she may have truly believed that names didn’t really matter, in the end, it was a name (two… Read More
Advertising agency, boutique marketing firm or freelancer, which one is right for you?
Whether you’re looking for a new logo, a mass-media campaign or a strategic plan, there is no shortage of options when it comes to finding someone to help you with your marketing. The problem is knowing exactly which one is right for you. Over the course of our careers, we’ve had the opportunity to gain… Read More
Seven of the most common challenges facing higher-education marketing
When you work within a given industry for over 15 years you see, experience and ultimately learn a lot. For me, my decade and a half (plus change) in higher-education marketing exposed me to not only the challenges and individual pitfalls facing my own institution but those of my competitors and fellow college and university… Read More
How your company’s culture affects your brand and seven things you can do to improve it
What you’re about to read will probably fly in the face of virtually every modern marketing axiom you’ve come to know and love, but we think it needs to be said. You may be spending too much time thinking about your customers. Sacrilege, right? Well, before you go burning us in effigy, hear us out…. Read More