How to: Get it on screen
We’ve always been big believers in the power of video—in fact, way back in 2017, we even wrote an entire blog post explaining why we thought putting a little money aside for video production was a smart investment for anyone looking to market themselves online. Three years later, it’s now more true than ever before…. Read More
How to: Get it on the radio
Over the years we’ve been fortunate to have produced more radio spots than we can count. I say fortunate, because for us, working in radio has always given us the opportunity to stretch ourselves creatively while collaborating with a host of really fun, really talented people. While the radio itself may no longer hold a… Read More
How to: Get it printed
As our world becomes more and more digital, producing anything even remotely tangible has become a bit of a foreign idea. So, what do you do when that thing you’ve created simply can’t be uploaded, emailed or posted? You have to go old school. Print. The problem is, when it comes to putting ink on… Read More
Five marketing exercises you can do during the pandemic
Unless you’re an essential worker (and if you are, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks), the COVID-19 pandemic probably has you stuck at home as you continue to shelter in place. As the days have become weeks and the weeks have become months, your inability to work while you simultaneously sit back and watch… Read More
“New” Pizza Hut logo rekindles old feelings
If you grew up in Wichita like we did, chances are Pizza Hut holds a special place in your heart. Originating here in 1958, Pizza Hut is more than just a global fast food goliath to us, it’s a part of our heritage and one of the first things any card-carrying Wichitan mentions to any… Read More
Brief thoughts on the importance of creative briefs
A couple of weeks ago, Carrie and I had the privilege of speaking to a communication class at our alma mater, Wichita State University. Normally, when we have given these presentations like this, they have basically just been a little dog and pony show where we have talked about what we do, showed a few… Read More
Disneyland through the eyes of a marketer
It’s a place of awe and wonder. A place where make believe brings fantasies to life. A place where everything is just as it should be. It’s the “happiest place on earth” and I had avoided it my entire life … until last week. When a family vacation just happened to kick off in LA,… Read More
Branding lessons from a McDonald’s bathroom
The golden arches. For nearly 60 years they’ve dotted our landscape, calling out to the world’s most hungry, budget-conscious carnivores. But go on a road trip and the site of those exact same arches looming on the horizon can represent the fulfillment of another—much more urgent—primal need (one where a #1 and a #2 don’t… Read More